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Between pedagogical instrument and promise – the discourse upon new technologies in the theorization about foreign language teaching and learning
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new technologies
foreign language teaching and learning

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GASPARINI, Edmundo Narracci. Between pedagogical instrument and promise – the discourse upon new technologies in the theorization about foreign language teaching and learning. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 58, n. 2, p. 874–898, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article presents part of a research which investigated the discourse upon new technologies in the theorization about foreign language teaching and learning. The research aimed at investigating the discourse upon new technologies in theorization, and papers published in an online journal of Applied Linguistics were analysed. The results presented here indicate that the discourse which was investigated is constituted in relation to two other discourses: the discourse of pedagogical instruments and the discourse of technology itself. According to the analysis presented here, it is between pedagogical instrument used by teachers and students and guarantee of successful learning that new technologies are constituted in the theorization about foreign language teaching and learning. In the interdiscursive relations delineated here, the point in which new technologies subjectivize us, once they are part of power relations in the contemporary world, is silenced.

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