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Towards a cyborg and collective view of language
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ESPINDOLA BRAUD MARTINS, Eduardo; VIANA, Rodrigo Ferreira. Towards a cyborg and collective view of language. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 58, n. 2, p. 496–519, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article develops a view of language in order to to think about the complexity of bodily production and contemporary subjectivities in what Deleuze (1990) called societies of control and Preciado (2018) defined as a pharmacopornographic era. To do so, we will reflect on the question of the body today and discuss the mode of subjectivity produced in the current moment, one which arises with the advance of the digital technologies in the platform economy (GUYER, 2016) of our century. Such reflection will lead us to the cyborg concept (HARAWAY, 1991), a character that, with their corporeal materiality, ruptures with the traditional and ontological perspectives of language and communication in the daily life of an increasingly computerized society, and then to a discussion on the anthropocentric bases that allowed Linguistics to develop itself as an area of inquiry. Based on this, we reformulate the concept of language using the cyborg as a theoretical basis and argue for a post-human perspective of language, thus displacing the conception of language from its modernist and anthropocentric gravitational center and providing a more collective and participatory weave of multiple agents (LATOUR, 2012) in sociodiscursive productions.

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