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Linguistic practices

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KRAUSE-LEMKE, Cibele. Translanguaging: an approach to studies in a foreign and brazilian context. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 59, n. 3, p. 2071–2101, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article has as main objective to discuss the concept of translanguaging through the analysis of academic articles published on this theme in a foreign and Brazilian context. The investigated issue took into account discourses and practices that link Brazil to a monolingual reality and, with that, an erasure of the multilingual realities existing in Brazilian territory is induced. In this sense, although Brazil is made up of different ethnicities, languages ​​and cultures, these marks that identify it as a country seem to be erased in Brazilian educational policies. In view of this, the main objectives were: to search bibliographic sources about the concept of translanguaging and to define its scope and focus on articles published in a foreign and Brazilian context. The method that conducted the research is based on a qualitative model according to Denzin & Lincoln (2006). In view of the research analyzed, teaching based on translanguaging pedagogy would contribute to a more inclusive learning and with more possibilities for access to knowledge. The concept of translanguaging is linked to a practical language pedagogy, which seeks to develop teaching and teacher training strategies in multilingual settings.

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