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The writing of academic summaries at university
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Academic literacies
Writing of academic genres
Academic summary

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SILVA, Marta Cristina; BOTELHO, Laura Silveira; CAETANO OLIVEIRA, Marília de Carvalho. The writing of academic summaries at university: perceptions of teaching and learning models under the perspective of academic literacies. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 60, n. 2, p. 580–594, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper is part of an interinstitutional and interdisciplinary project which intends to analyse Writing practices involving the genre academic summary in the process of creating the software AutorIA, which aims at collaborating with the production of summaries by undergraduate students. Based on a social and ideological view of literacies (STREET, 2010), we have selected part of a larger research, having as an objective to investigate perceptions on academic literacies involved in the production of the summary in a class of the first term of a Letters Course, both from the point of view of the students and of the teacher. Our theoretical principles are based on the New Studies of Literacy – NSL (STREET, 2010a; LEA; STREET, 1998; LILLIS; SCOTT, 2007). Regarding methodology, principles of qualitative and interpretative research are used, following concepts of Applied Linguistics. The results achieved suggest that the teaching and learning of academic text production should be implemented by taking into account, in a complementary manner, the models of Study Skills, Academic Socialisation and Academic Literacies, so that both linguistic material traits and sociodiscursive aspects can be considered in the process.

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