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The Tradcorpus digital environment
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Pedagogy of translation
Pedagogical translation
Digital corpora environment
Translation tasks
Learning objects

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SERPA, Talita; PINTO, Paula Tavares; SBROGIO, Renata de Oliveira; CAMARGO, Diva Cardoso de. The Tradcorpus digital environment: a proposal of an online repository for corpora data to be used to foreign language and translation teaching. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 62, n. 1, p. 121–139, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


This article presents a preliminary online repository called TRADCorpus - Translation and Online Corpora for Training Professional Competences, which aims at providing open multilingual, parallel and comparable corpora as resource for teaching and learning translation and language skills in multiple language pairs such as Portuguese ↔ English ↔ Spanish ↔ French ↔ Italian ↔ German. The theories used for building this collection mainly follow the concepts of Data-Driven Learning as well as Corpus-Based Translation Pedagogy which promote a process of effective use of corpora for performing teaching and translation tasks. This database, as well as a list of online computational tools, will be available to language teachers, translators and students who will be able to access a set of files and activities produced by different users and they will be able to share their own work as well. Most of the corpora and lists of words, keywords and collocates are the results of the research developed by the groups “Translation, Terminology and Corpora” and “En-Corpora: Corpus-Based and Corpus-Driven Teaching” (CNPq).

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