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Literary literacies and translanguaging between the streets and the schools from the Global South
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Literary literacies
Interschool Slam
Enactive-performative practices

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ABREU, Marcella dos Santos; ROCHA, Cláudia Hilsdorf; MACIEL, Ruberval Franco. Literary literacies and translanguaging between the streets and the schools from the Global South: : the Interschool Slam as an enactive-performative and decolonial practice. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 60, n. 3, p. 626–644, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


In this paper, we intend to make visible the slams experienced “from the streets to the schools, from the schools to the streets” as literary literacies that promote, among the youth of the Global South, potentially creative, critical and transformative translingual spaces. Based on the struggle cry of the Slam Interescolar SP project, we highlight the history and trajectory of the initiative, organized since 2015 by the São Paulo collective Slam da Guilhermina. Subsequently, we explore understandings of translanguaging and decoloniality, lenses through which we see emerging world sensibilities that challenge monoglossic practices and hegemonic narratives in their poetic battles fought from the ground of schools. We identified such subversions in the analysis of the poem Gé putáre tenetehára, by the then high school student Franciele Evangelista Apolinário, during the final stage of the Slam Interescolar SP 2020 project – online edition. We highlight the poetic-literary aspects, to which we approach dimensions of the enactive-performative translingual approach, in order to point out the power of languages, histories and cultures as transforming aesthetic experiences of the slams inserted in the São Paulo school context. Finally, we believe that these experiences can enhance the presence of cracks and sowings from which cries of resistance emerge among the young slammers in this territory.


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