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Becoming a teacher in initial training
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Portuguese language teaching
Beliefs about languages
Teacher training

How to Cite

MELO, Sandra Helena Dias de. Becoming a teacher in initial training: linguistic ideologies between school and university. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 62, n. 3, p. 442–457, 2024. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The aim of this paper is to identify and discuss linguistic ideologies (BLOMMAERT, 2014) in the initial teacher training of undergraduate students in the field of Portuguese language teaching. The investigation revolves around beliefs, values and concepts about language and Portuguese language teaching involved in the process of one’s becoming a teacher. The research, which is qualitative with an ethnographic slant, draws on a focus group as a source of discussion about the cultural meanings of initial teacher training in the light of studies in Applied Linguistics and what in Brazil has been called the New Pragmatics. The findings are related to reflections on the themes of school ecology and didacticization in Portuguese language teaching. Through the analysis of collective meetings, interviews and semi-structured questionnaires addressed to the focus group, the following results were noted: (i) difficulty and stifling of pedagogical actions and practices of the subjects accompanied in the basic education environment, especially in the Non-Mandatory Internships; as a result, (ii) impacts on the pedagogization of the Portuguese language, with emphasis on interference in language/grammar concepts adopted in basic education and/or on the concepts seen at university. Finally, it should be considered that, while the theoretical-practical academic basis is perceived in the teacher training in action of the subjects undergoing initial training in basic education, there is a lack of the institution promoting greater dialogue about the effects on training in the experience of the different internships.

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