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Processos enunciativos no contato português brasileiro - espanhol. Experimentação sobre as modalizações de possibilidade e certeza
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FANJUL, Adrián Pablo. Processos enunciativos no contato português brasileiro - espanhol. Experimentação sobre as modalizações de possibilidade e certeza. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 40, n. 1, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 jul. 2024.


This paper aims at describing different tendencies for possibility and certainty modalizations in Argentinean and Brazilian discursivities as observed in linguistic contact. We analyzed productions of a sample of Argentineans studying to become teachers of Portuguese in their own country and Brasilians studying to become teachers of Spanish in Brazil. The discursive practice consisted of the praraphrastic reformulation of identical units belonging to the same texts in both languages. Considering that discursivity orients the selection of what is and is not said in the enunciative processes, the discursive tendencies of one national grouo should be observed in the linguistic materiality of the other. The methodology consisted of the description, classification and quantification of different enunciative parameters, such as mood, aspect and classification of lexical unit variables. The results show that the differentiation os possibility and certainty in enunciative processes, when not oriented by generic restrictions, has different tendencies in each discursivity. Considering the enunciative processes as the selection of units in the discursive action in the foreign language, infrequent combinations and an incomplete historical differentiation between both linguistic bases were observed
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