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Ambientes comunicativos para aprender língua estrangeira

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ALMEIDA FILHO, José Carlos Paes de; BARBIRATO, Rita C. Ambientes comunicativos para aprender língua estrangeira. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 36, 2012. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


This paper presents the concept of task as the location for learning a foreign language (FL), a space for creation in and with the target language, with the tasks utilized simulating as closely as possible the situations which the students will encounter outside the classroom and which, moreover, emphasize meaning. Throghout the paper, the theory of the use of tasks for the teaching/learning of a FL present in the literature will be discussed, and as approach which is based on the utilization of tasks as the backbone for the planning of course is presented. In addition to emphasizing meaning, the tasks analyzed take a relatively long time to complete, i.e. they last more than a single class.Thus, the input can be remembered and re-worked as it reappears in different ways, thus making it possible for learning to be more long-lasting and significant.

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