Neste artigo apresentam-se alguns resultados de um estudo centrado nas ideias intuitivas de independência de alunos do 9º ano de escolaridade. Participaram no estudo 310 alunos, do 9º ano, a quem foi aplicado um questionário com várias questões sobre probabilidade condicionada e independência, sendo aqui apenas exploradas as duas que envolvem independência. Em termos de resultados, salienta-se que as resoluções dos alunos revelam que estes possuem ideias intuitivas sobre o conceito de independência nos contextos estudados.
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FISCHBEIN, E.; SCHNARCH, D. The evolution with age of probabilistic intuitively based misconceptions. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Reston, v. 28, n. 1, p. 96-105, 1997.
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GARFIELD, J.; AHLGREN, A. Difficulties in learning basic concepts in probability and statistics: Implications for research. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, Reston, v. 19, n. 1, p. 44-63, 1988.
GREEN, D. R. A survey of probability concepts in 3000 pupils aged 11-16 years. In: GREY, D. al. (Ed.). Proceedings of the First International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Sheffield, UK: Teaching Statistics Trust, 1983. p. 766-783.
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JONES, G. A. et al. Students’ probabilistic thinking in instruction. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education,Reston, v. 30, n. 5, p. 487-519, 1999.
KAHNEMAN, D.; TVERSKY, A. Subjective probability: A judgment of representativeness. In: KAHNEMAN, D.; SLOVIC, P.; TVERSKY, A. (Ed.). Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1982. p. 32-47.
KELLY, I. W.; ZWIERS, F. W. Mutually exclusive and independence: Unravelling basic misconceptions in probability theory. In: DAVIDSON, R.; SWIFT, J. (Ed.). The Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Teaching Statistics. Victoria B.C.: University of Victoria, 1988.
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TARR, J. E.; JONES, G. A. A framework for assessing middle school students’ thinking in conditional probability and independence. Mathematics Education Research Journal, Dordrecht, v. 9, n. 1, p. 39-59, 1997.
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