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Mathematics education and financial education
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Mathematics education
Finance education

How to Cite

HOFMANN, Ruth Margareth; MORO, Maria Lucia Faria. Mathematics education and financial education: ENEF perspectives . Zetetike, Campinas, SP, v. 20, n. 2, p. 37–54, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/zet.v20i38.8646609. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Given the recent implementation of the National Strategy for Financial Education (ENEF),
this paper aims to reflect on the didactic and conceptual potential interfaces between Mathematics
Education (ME) and Finance Education (FE) within the discussion about solving mathematical
problems inside and outside the school. First, the antagonistic relationship between school mathematics
and everyday mathematics is characterized. Then, the dichotomy between school and out of school
learning is explored; the relationship between context, concepts and mathematical problem solving is
assessed; and finally, EF is presented as a current development of ME. As a conclusion, one of the
possible ways to promote the (re)conciliation between school and everyday life in ME could include
narrowing down and improving its relationship with FE, a particularly relevant strategy in the
development of applied mathematics skills in the everyday practices of students.
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