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The Xerente community of practice and its mathematics
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Xerente body paintings
Communities of practice
Xerente math system
Mathematics system

How to Cite

MELO, Elisângela Aparecida Pereira de; GONÇALVES, Tadeu Oliver. The Xerente community of practice and its mathematics . Zetetike, Campinas, SP, v. 26, n. 1, p. 59–74, 2018. DOI: 10.20396/zet.v26i1.8650844. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


In this article we present the body painting practices of the patrilineal exogamous clan halves - Doi and Wahirê,
of the indigenous Xerente people, whose objective was to investigate the mathematics potentialized in the
symbologies found in the body paintings Doi and Wahirê; so we questioned in what terms the symbologies
found in the bodily paintings of indigenous belonging to the patrilineal exogamous halves Doi and Wahirê
constitute a system of Xerent mathematics. The theoretical articulations were made based on the theory of
communities of practice proposed by Wenger (2001). The research was developed through the qualitative
ethnographic research approach. Information gathering took place in the community contexts of Porteira and
Salto villages, through observing to participate and to participate to observe the indigenous in communities of
practice. The analyzes on these symbologies indicate possibilities of investigating studies of geometries, from
the clan drawings of each exogamic half of this people.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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