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Technological creativity
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
INGLÊS (Português (Brasil))


Mathematics education
Education of teachers
Digital technologies

How to Cite

ROSA, Maurício; DANTAS, Douglas Martins. Technological creativity: a study about the construction of mathematics-activities-with-digital-technologies by teachers in cybereducation. Zetetike, Campinas, SP, v. 28, p. e020030, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/zet.v28i0.8654423. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.


This article aims to investigate the creative process of mathematics teachers while they construct activities with current and/or unknown Digital Technologies (DT) (new ones for each one), in order to highlight creative possibilities in the mathematical, pedagogical and technological dimensions of “Cybereducation with mathematics teachers”. This “form/a(c)tion” suggests working with DT is not mechanical, technical, as if the applied DT were merely auxiliary to teaching and learning, but that participate in the constitution of mathematical knowledge. So, we try hereby to understand how DT can be inserted in mathematics classes, by observing the creativity in this process. Therefore, we conducted a blended course with mathematics teachers, in which we perceive specific acts of technological creativity, that are revealed through updates on the creator potential and/or creative potential of the person, expanding the subjective domain of those involved in this process of “form/a(c)tion”.
PORTUGUÊS (Português (Brasil))
INGLÊS (Português (Brasil))


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