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The tribes in the context of the digital technological hybridism: the constitution of the virtual digital acquaintanceship
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Graduation of the educator. Digital technological hybridism. Emerging technology. Digital virtual acquaintanceship.

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BACKES, Luciana; GIBBON RATTO, Cleber. The tribes in the context of the digital technological hybridism: the constitution of the virtual digital acquaintanceship. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 18, n. 3, p. 564–579, 2016. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v18i3.8646105. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 out. 2024.


The article approaches the graduation of the educator in the contemporaneity, investigating the processes of teaching and learning through emerging digital technologies (DTs). The DTs can be understood as acquaintanceship places, while they enable the representation of the perception about the knowledge, the dialogical relationship and the interaction among participants. In other words, thinking the human being regarding the other. The problem includes two aspects: the context of the digital technological hybridism and the constitution of the virtual acquaintanceship. The reflection about this problem took place during the initial graduation courses of the educator, developed in Brazil and in France, in the digital technological hybridism context – composed by DTs: Learning Virtual Environment; Instant Communicator; Blog and Metaverse. The empirical data resulted from the process of interaction and representation of perception of the participants in the proposed activities. Those data were submitted to the methodology of content analysis. Thus, in the research, we evidenced that the constitution of virtual digital acquaintanceship occurs through: thrilling encounters, the aesthetics that founds the “tribes”; the daily “being-together” that is established in sociality and otherness; the dialogical relationships in the interaction processes; the structural coupling established in acquaintanceship. Therefore, we believe that in the educational context, the development of problematizing (disturbance) pedagogical practicing of the daily living and living together is important, in congruency with the DTs that potentiates the interaction.
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