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On the use of the academic motivation scale (AMS) with young students
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Student motivation. Motivation. Test validity.

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SANTOS, Bettina Steren dos; BERNARDI, Jussara; BITTENCOURT, Helio Radke. On the use of the academic motivation scale (AMS) with young students. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 2, p. 1–18, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v14i2.1219. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


This paper discusses the reasons that leads young people to attend school, describing the results obtained by applying the instrument the Academic Motivation Scale (AMS), adapted version from Vallerand et al.(1992). It consists of a quantitative study in which we used statistical techniques commonly applied in the field of psychometrics. The validation process of the AMS involved different steps that began with the application of this instrument in a sample of 133 students attending the last year of elementary school or first year high school students in private and public institutions in Porto Alegre, Brazil. It were identified six factors associated with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, and the absence of motivation, which showed satisfactory internal consistency. In general, the students have a more motivated than discouraged about the school. Extrinsic motivation proved to be predominant. The public school was one in which students were more motivated. The instrument presented satisfactory psychometric qualities. It allows better understand the student reasons for school attendance, what is relevant in educational practice.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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