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Opinion of university students on the distance education in the context of pharmaceutical sciences
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Distance education. Students. Information technology and communication.

How to Cite

SANTOS JÚNIOR, Aníbal de Freitas; BATISTA, Hildonice de Souza. Opinion of university students on the distance education in the context of pharmaceutical sciences. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 2, p. 258–274, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v14i2.1233. Disponível em: Acesso em: 30 jun. 2024.


This article aims to discuss the inclusion of distance education in the practice of Pharmaceutical Sciences. The study population consisted of 200 individuals (students) in the city of Salvador / Bahia. For data analysis, were used in semi-structured questionnaires, in which students interviewed expressed their opinions about distance education, in the course of Pharmacy. Students highlighted the use of the Internet as a tool to aid in research and scholarship, as well as other alternative purposes, such as real-time interaction, through chat rooms and virtual communities. The students reported the use of the Internet as a tool to aid in research and school work and other purposes alternatives such as real-time interaction through chat rooms and virtual communities. Most students (n = 179) responded that he believed to be passive interactivity between the user and the environment distance education, and Moodle, the leading virtual learning environment. Convenient schedules, individual attention, progress in the promised time and quality of teaching materials, were among the main attractions for a distance learning course. Among the main disadvantages cited by respondents, showed up: the digital divide (related to the need for computers), the large number of students per tutor, the excessive use of multiple choice questions and the failure of activities for students (dropouts). Most respondents judged important information technology and communication (ICT) to support the classroom teaching the courses of Pharmaceutical Sciences, and for vocational training, skill levels: technical, update and graduation. The disciplines of greater theoretical approach were cited as those most fit over a distance course in Pharmacy. With the analysis of such data, it was found that respondents showed an awareness of the need for distance education in its formation. However, had expressed concern about the quality and complementarity of the studies, due to the specificity of each activity that involves the professional practice of pharmacy and the patient.
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