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The constitution of the deaf educational subject: Community school investment
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Community. Education of the deaf. School.

How to Cite

CAMATTI, Liane; LUNARDI-LAZZARIN, Márcia Lise. The constitution of the deaf educational subject: Community school investment. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 14, n. 1, p. 386–398, 2012. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v14i1.1259. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.



With the development of this article, we intend to discuss the constitution of the deaf pedagogic subject from the convergence between community and school for the deaf. It's take a look at the subject object of pedagogy that has its construction also defined by the ways in which the deaf community falls within the school for the deaf. The following study was conducted using as research subjects deaf students and teachers of specific schools for the deaf in the cities of the Caxias do Sul/ RS, Porto Alegre/RS and Santa Maria/RS. To develop this text, was used analytical tools resulting from studies of post-structuralist strand depending on the convenience of this perspective when it sets the objective to understand the processes of production of truth and the constitution of subjects. It was possible to outline four key strategies that illustrate the investment by the community in shaping the political subject through the school: the need to maintain contact with deaf peers; the need for allocation of a geographic and temporal spatiality to the joint community; the intervention at an early age; and the presence of deaf people with successful personal and professional stories working in the school. Through the development of this article, it was possible to realize that the community understands the school as a possibility of maintenance of its operation and principles according to which the subject who is pedagogized in the school learns there to be political and to account for what the community wants.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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