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The english language teaching permeated by the flipped classroom proposal
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Classroom techniques
Language instruction

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CONSERVA, Dilma Prata; COSTA, Marco Antonio Margarido. The english language teaching permeated by the flipped classroom proposal: an experiment report. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 1, p. 234–252, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v22i1.8653788. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The continuous social and epistemological changes brought by globalization have resulted in a plurality of concepts to denominate the postmodern society - invaded by technological and scientific advances with uncontrollable speed. Consequently, this reality reflects in the educational context that urges for changes, aggregations and transformations in teaching practices, and the English teaching is not excluded from this reality. The active methodologies, more specifically the flipped classroom model, have cooperated for these innovations to occur. The present report deals with the contributions of the active methodologies and the experiences of the flipped classroom as a modality of the hybrid teaching, emphasizing its application in English teaching. It presents the experiences developed in a language school with pre-intermediate level students in the city of Patos-PB. In a central way, this research aimed to identify the contributions brought by the flipped classroom proposal to learn the English language and to know the possible challenges for the implementation of this methodology. The theoretical anchorage that underlies the understanding of the contributions of digital technologies and of the flipped classroom proposal is found in Bergamn and Sams (2016), Valente (2017), Monte Mór (2010), Horn and Staker (2015), among others
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