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Red shades, rhythms and biology
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ANDRADE, Elenise Cristina Pires de; CARVALHO, Daniela Franco. Red shades, rhythms and biology: sonorities break with the expected in the uniqueness of being a woman. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 4, p. 926–940, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v21i4.8654805. Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 jun. 2024.


What if there is no waiting for the time in re-existence if it does not stop and does not pass? To give up on time through(out) experimentations with images, sculptures, cells, fluids to drill the upcoming. Moviments that can provoke us to pour in live red with Tunga and Cildo Meireles’s art. To withdraw from life, from body and from the resistance, the need of a lived time of biological conceptual precisions. And to leek around the edges of a red, dragged by signs of art. Women seaming (des)educations. Women who dare to sharp the times rifling. And, with it, to abandon the certainties and explanations for an aesthetic experience. To desire to lose the human and organic form that seeks to organize bodies, movements, thoughts, resistances and fights. And to invite for this confront creative desires and forces to produce what is broken to itself, what is ephemeral and generates pulses. To become. To pulse from the middle of the earth, from the street, from the university, from the classroom, from the museums knowledge, from the arts. Art-bio-life that drags a logos to chaotic rhythms-gestures in a mutant time produced in the singularity. We are the time. The pulses of a life (s)in education.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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