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Fragments of a quasi-environmental-education
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Environmental education

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PEREIRA, Laís de Paula; SAMPAIO, Shaula Maíra Vicentini de. Fragments of a quasi-environmental-education: in the experimentations of a becoming-caiçara. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 21, n. 4, p. 871–888, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v21i4.8654807. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


To be or not to be – that shall not be the question. In an attempt to untie ourselves, to let go of the clichés, the dyads and the stereotype of finding out what goes in ‘between’, this text seeks to make loopholes in order to allow some thinking about the Caiçara life, under the perspective of its non-finishing and its vital potentiality, which we call it ‘becoming-caiçara’. The stories told about the caiçaras often tie them to tradition and to a ‘place’, bordered by boundaries that delimit what ‘must’ be ‘inside’ and what ‘should’ be ‘outside’ of their culture, as well as what they ‘should do’ and what ‘they should not do’. In this course the bet is placed on what is being named here as a “quasi-environmental-education”, as a way to refer to the experimentations and processes involved in the making of realities via photographs and narratives that refer to memories and ungraphed forgetfulness photos, which shall not represent stories or given realities, but ‘present’ us ‘with possibilities’ of other realities, different, strange and unknown. Records of passages and passengers that, often, are no longer and live no longer, not being seen or not willing to be shown. Photographs and narratives made in meetings and absences, foreseen and unforeseen.
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