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The use of robotics in the perspective of inventive mathematical education
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Inventive Mathematics Education
. Robotics
Mathematical educational proposals

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SILVA, Marcos Roberto da; SOUZA JUNIOR, Arlindo José de. The use of robotics in the perspective of inventive mathematical education. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 2, p. 406–420, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v22i2.8654828. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Addressing the problematic of how the Mathematics’ trainees from a Degree Course developed and applied some educational proposals of mathematics with the use of robotics emerged from our doctoral research what we call as Inventive Mathematical Education. In this context, we reveal in this article how the trainees collectively developed some educational proposals, according to the perspective of Inventive Mathematical Education, from the construction and programming of three robots, denominated as: Line Follower Robot, Forklift Robot and Separator Robot. During the research, the trainees made use of these robots for the purpose of developing educational proposals and applying them in two camp schools of the public school system. The educational proposals developed collectively by the trainees with the use of robotics from the specific learning needs of each class of students, later they were applied in the field schools of the stage. We found during experiments in the space-time of the teaching-stage that robotics was used by the trainees in an inventive way during the production and application of their educational proposals. The use of robotics by trainees was significant for the development of actions and practices of Inventive Mathematics Education.
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