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Internationalizations in two loci of enunciation


International agreements
Language policies

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FINARDI, Kyria Rebeca; SEMBIANTE, Sabrina; AMORIM, Gabriel; VERONEZ, Thiago. Internationalizations in two loci of enunciation: the south and global north . ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 22, n. 3, p. 591–611, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v22i3.8659311. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper confronts epistemological myopia to decolonize academic knowledge by exposing scholars’ loci of enunciation to localize knowledge that are often taken as universal. In doing so, we reflect about the process of internationalization of higher education (IHE), from two different loci of enunciation--one in the Global South (UFES) and another in the Global North (FAU). Based on the claim that language policies are closely related to internationalization actions/plans, and in the description of internationalization models in terms of the Traditional International Cooperation (TIC) model, characterized by competitive relations, and the Horizontal International Cooperation (HIC) model based on solidarity and international awareness, we analyze language policies and international cooperation agreements at UFES and at FAU as a window for reflecting about the internationalization processes in these institutions. The analysis of language policies and international agreements at UFES suggests a reactive and colonial nature of the internationalization process there, expressed in the number of agreements with institutions from the Global North and in language policies and actions that privilege the use of English.  The analysis of international cooperation agreements and language policies at FAU suggest that internationalization strategies are largely designed based on the university’s privileged position as an English-speaking institution located in the Global North. Taken together, overall results of the study suggest that despite the pitfalls, the partnership between UFES and FAU shows potential to forge inroads for more horizontal internationalization models/relationships thus moving form a TIC to a HIC model of internationalization.


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