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Social control and health teaching
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Health education
Curricular stage
Public policy
Social psychology

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SATHLER, Conrado Neves; OLIVEIRA, Esmael Alves de. Social control and health teaching: for a decolonial psychological practice. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 2, p. 491–503, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v24i2.8660026. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Background: The 16th National Health Conference provided the qualified participation of 12 students from a Psychology course of the Midwest region of the Country enrolled in the Public Policies Project developed in the Common Core Internship. Simultaneously, meetings of Municipal Councils in that area and other conferences were followed. The objective of the Internship was to integrate skills to act in the challenges faced by the Unified Health System. Description of the Experience: The preparatory studies of the axes of this Conference - Financing, Principles and Rights - started in March and remained until September 2019 with the meetings of the Social Control Bodies. This study is descriptive, like Experience Report and presents part of the analysis of statements problematized by the group. The supervisory method of work was the conversation wheel and the theories that supported the analyzes were discursive and decolonial. Results and Impacts: This Internship provided the development of theoretical, technical and social skills through the development of student leadership in the search for constant reflection and political autonomy. Final Considerations: The Social participation as a Teaching Activity in Health is shows itself in the development of skills to work in the Unified Health System despite the obstacles present in the spaces of Social Control. We conclude that Internship supervision continues to be a valuable component for the training in Psychology.
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