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The education of the tourismologist at Farroupilha Federal Institute according to the perspective of the integrated curriculum and the verticalization of teaching
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Tourism management
Integrated teaching

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BARBOSA, Fabrício Silva; CHAVES, Taniamara Vizzotto; OLIVEIRA, Jairo de. The education of the tourismologist at Farroupilha Federal Institute according to the perspective of the integrated curriculum and the verticalization of teaching. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 3, p. 598–617, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v24i3.8663476. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jul. 2024.


The growth of tourist activities in several places around the world motivates the search for training and education in tourism with a focus on the performance in the various sectors offered in the labor market. In this sense, in the field of formal studies, Brazil currently has a large offer of higher education courses that contribute to the training and education of professionals in tourism, including the ones offered at the Federal Institutes of Education. It is understood that the education in these institutions, based on the principles of Professional and Technological Education (EPT), allows the academic education of a graduate in whose professional profile is also present the elements of EPT. This paper presents a part of a research that aimed to identify the concepts of Integrated Curriculum present in the Pedagogical Project (PPC) of the Tourism Management Course offered by Farroupilha Federal Institute, a document that guides the pedagogical structure and practices developed in the course. It is a qualitative exploratory research. The results of the analysis indicate that the discourse presented in the structure of the PPC is in accord with the principles of EPT. However, when looking for the course objectives and the professional profile of the graduates in the same document, the elements found are insignificant considering what it proposes. It is also evident that there is a greater concern with questions related to the proposition of methodologies with a view to the development of curricular integration than with the reflection on what curriculum integration.
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