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An educational project in (ten) interdisciplinary meetings
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Social isolation

How to Cite

GOMES, Catarina Barbosa Torres; SANTOS, Milene Bianchi dos; SILVA, Alessandra de Moraes; CAMARGO, Gabriel Fagundes. An educational project in (ten) interdisciplinary meetings: re-meaning the meanings of being, thinking and acting with students in social isolation. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 1, p. 206–219, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v24i1.8663575. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jul. 2024.


This experience report consists of an epistemological reflection exercise regarding an interdisciplinary work carried out by some teachers and a psychologist, with students from the Integrated Technical High School, in a federal public institution during social isolation due to the pandemic of Covid-19. The project entitled “life at risk in the pandemic: the relevance of science and ethical-philosophical reflection intersect in the global village” had as main objective to reestablish the institutional link of students with education through the mediation of these professionals and sought to develop relevant themes the context of the Coronavirus Disease pandemic, COVID-19, in an interdisciplinary way. For that, they were considered as lines of action: the human being in its entirety, as one who is, thinks and acts. During this work, students were able to express themselves in order to focus on their difficulties with this period of breaks, they addressed the anxiety caused by the departure from school routine, while they also produced materials about their experiences in the context of social isolation. On the other hand, through these experiences with the project, they were able to get in touch with the perspective of the philosophy of science, of the social relations involved in the pandemic, of the production of vaccines and their mechanisms, in addition to discussing the local impact of the pandemic.
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