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Learning styles and knowledge construction in the distance education modality
Foto de capa: Antonio Carlos Dias Júnior
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Distance education
Learning processes
Learning methods

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PEREIRA, Luísa Pavlick; COSTA, Márcia Rosa da; CAZELLA, Sílvio Cesar. Learning styles and knowledge construction in the distance education modality: contributions to the debate. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 4, p. 956–975, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v24i4.8663876. Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 jul. 2024.


In the 21st century, due to its geographic reach potential, distance learning has been used as a mean to expand the training of health professionals in several areas of the country. Considering the capillarity and its pedagogical potentialities, it is fundamental to comprehend how teaching processes and, fundamentally, learning processes happen in this type of teaching. For that, we need to resort to both in-person and distance learning literature to make our reflection and analysis. This is a cross-depth study, of descriptive/explanatory nature with a mixed approach, and it sought to correlate learning styles with the tools present in the Virtual Learning Environment (AVA). We consider essential that students analyze all the study possibilities and interactions present in the AVA in order to appropriate their learning path and get autonomy to design and/or elect their study strategies. The combination of self-knowledge with the knowledge of the virtual learning environment is the best equation for the good use of studies in the distance learning mode. At last, getting to know the learning styles of students becomes an essential resource for teachers and tutors to present more meaningful mechanisms for knowledge construction on platforms such as Moodle. It is concluded that knowing the student's learning style is important; however, it is only one of the many resources that can contribute to the construction of knowledge in AVA.
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