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Education and misinformation
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Information literacy
Media education
Science education

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NAGUMO, Estevon; TELES, Lúcio França; SILVA , Lucélia de Almeida. Education and misinformation: media literacy, science and dialogue. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 1, p. 220–237, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v24i1.8665292. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Misinformation is a problem that has been accentuated by the increase in access to the internet through social networks and instant messaging applications and has impacted on decrease of public confidence, polarization of society and increase of scientific denialism. In this essay, three points will be addressed where education can act to combat misinformation: media literacy, trust in science and the promotion of dialogue to deal with polarization. Media literacy can foster a critical reading of the media so that the manipulation strategies present in disinformation networks are clear. To deal with scientific denialism, an improvement in the conditions for science teaching in Brazilian schools is necessary, with more laboratories and teachers well trained. A popular scientific dissemination that approaches the students' daily life exploring the importance of the scientific method can also contribute to a greater confidence in science. Faced with the polarization of society, encouraged by political division and radicalization, the school can oppose with dialogue, solidarity, and tolerance. In this scenario, it is necessary to maintain effective communication, often using the affection between teacher and student to improve motivation and receptivity to student questions. Faced with so many lies, polarization, and scientific denialism promoted mainly by the conservative ultra-right movement, it is necessary to fight so that the Brazilian school continues to be a space for the promotion of science, dialogue, and democracy.
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