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Content curation for distance education
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Information science
Content curation
Distance education
Higher education

How to Cite

ROCHA, Daiana Garibaldi da; GOUVEIA, Luis Manoel Borges. Content curation for distance education: perceptions of professors, librarians, MEC evaluators and managers. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 25, n. 00, p. e023048, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v25i00.8667374. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


In recent years, content curation for distance education has become a frequent activity for teachers as well as for education managers and professionals. Within the field of information science, intersecting to the area of education, this article presents the perception of five stakeholders who work in Brazilian higher education in relation to the process of curing content for distance education: university professors, librarians, evaluators from the Ministry of Education, institutional managers of higher education (HEI) and EdTech managers. The methodology chosen is a descriptive survey with a quantitative approach of the survey type. The 29 questions asked were divided into six blocks: introductory, curated, pedagogical, technology, quality and final. The results show that, despite being understood as a new professional opportunity for teaching, curation needs to be better explored in the educational area. Its characteristics, processes and tools are not common knowledge of the HEI teams, nor are the quality indicators that should make up the process of curing content. Thus, the urgency manuals, models or guides that help curators of content for distance learning in the process is highlighted, observing the characteristics of the different teaching modalities and, mainly, detailing stages, in order to equip the professionals of educational area.
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