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The question of diversity in educational work in the light of historical-critical pedagogy
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Educational work

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VIANA, Marta Loula Dourado. The question of diversity in educational work in the light of historical-critical pedagogy: first approaches. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 23, n. 00, p. e023008, 2023. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v23i00.8670202. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This text intends to analyze the categories contradiction and totality in the relationship between universal-singular-particular, from the perspective of historical materialism and historical-critical pedagogy, in order to identify the contributions of this relationship in educational work for the development of human diversity, according to with the particularities of a society governed by capital. The text is divided into two moments. At first, it discusses the double meaning of work in Marx. Work as a fundamental activity in the process of transforming the outside world and oneself. But that, in a society divided into classes, the individual is separated from the social and historical accumulation of humanity, therefore, prevented from manifesting his diversity in fullness. In the second moment, it seeks in the educational work the universal-singular-particular relationship according to the categories contradiction and totality, that is, the way in which the human race contains the singular individual, at the same time that this individual realizes universality. This relationship results in the manifestation of particularity, which is constituted as a mediation and becomes responsible for the development of the individual and his diversity. Finally, it concludes on the pitfalls of discourses on diversity, as well as the need to think about emancipation beyond the achievements of civil and political rights by different social and cultural groups, which, although necessary, do not correspond to human emancipation so that the individual manifests his diversity in fullness.
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