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The contradiction between standard schooling and a proposal of unabridged education in a basic education from a public school of municipality netword from Jacarezinho/PR
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Basic education
External assessment
Integral education

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RUCKSTADTER, Flávio Massami Martins; MILANEZI, Liliane; SOUZA, Antonio Carlos de. The contradiction between standard schooling and a proposal of unabridged education in a basic education from a public school of municipality netword from Jacarezinho/PR. Revista HISTEDBR On-line, Campinas, SP, v. 24, n. 00, p. e024031, 2024. DOI: 10.20396/rho.v24i00.8673550. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article presents the results of a master research that aimed to investigate the contradiction between the mechanization of teaching generated by the opportunity to achieve goals established by the quality indexes and the purposes of the integral formation of the student presented in documents of a basic institution of education belonging to the public network of the municipality of Jacarezinho/PR and culminated in a mini-training course for school professionals.The research was based on Historical-Dialectical Materialism, which allowed the analysis of reality in its historical totality and its refflects on educational policies and documents that guide the teaching in full-time schools.The term full-time education is commonly confused with Integral Education, as an expansive formation of the human being, as synonyms.The time that the student spends in school interferes with their learning, but it doesn´t guarantee an emancipatory formation. Thus, through bibliographical and documentary research, we analyzed the implementation of the SAEB and the creation of the IDEB as the main quality indicator, we investigated the guiding documents of the researched school, we approached the concept of integral education in the Brazilian historical context and we ended with a mini-course of teacher training entitled “The impact of the Basic Education Development Index - IDEB, in the school reality”.The development of the mini-course with professionals operating at school, it demonstrated the necessity of a critical training in which they know the historical reality and the contradictions present in the implemented educational policies before pointing out the legitimate quality of education direct to the alienated training that meets the interests of marketplace.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Flávio Ruckstadter; Liliane Milanezi; Antonio Souza


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