Above all, the Mothers
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Pencas de Balangandãs
African Art
Afro-Brazilian Art

How to Cite

MOURÃO, Tadeu. Above all, the Mothers: black artistic and cosmological traditions in the pencas de balangandãs. MODOS, Campinas, SP, v. 6, n. 1, p. 231–265, 2022. DOI: 10.20396/modos.v6i1.8667809. Disponível em: https://periodicos.sbu.unicamp.br/ojs/index.php/mod/article/view/8667809. Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


A piece composed of three parts (nave, trinkets and chains), the pencas de balangandãs were part of the attire of enslaved and free black women from the colonial and imperial period. These objects have already had their elements read by approaches carried out in different academic researches. However, a significant part of these investigations dealt superficially or even mistakenly with some fundamental questions for their understanding, especially regarding the attempts to relate their visual elements to Africans and Afro-Brazilians cultures. The lack of historical, artistic and theoretical subsidies to deepen the Africanity issues which touch the pencas analysis is most likely due to the almost non-existent structured field of studies of African and Afro-Brazilian arts in the college programs of Visual Arts and of History of Art at Brazilian Universities. In order to fill this gap, this article proposes investigations that relocate the pencas to the epistemological meanings and the artistic traditions from which they are an offshoot.

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