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Frying oils in restauration of military units
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Compostos polares totais
Óleo alimentar
Testes rápidos

How to Cite

FILIPE, Rita Andreia Alves Dias. Frying oils in restauration of military units: comparison in the application of tests and implementation the good practice of production. Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional, Campinas, SP, v. 20, n. 1, p. 80–95, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/san.v20i1.8634624. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.


Deep fat fried products are popular due to their unique flavour and texture characteristics. Frying oils are rich sources of essential fatty acids and other nutrients but, when used over prolonged periods, their biological value decreases and several hazard substances are formed by oxidation, hydrolysis, and polymerization. The quality of the frying oil is a critical factor to preserve high quality and produce safe fried products. The used oil rejection should be easily determinate. The polar components comprise a multitude of different artefacts and their content
is a suited indicator of fat quality, being the basis of legislation in many countries (including Portugal) for the control of used frying fats. Nevertheless, the official methodology is time consuming. Several quick tests measuring colour and dielectric constant have been developed and are commercially available. The main objectives of this study were: 1. test the efficiency of several quick tests while comparing with official methodologies; 2. evaluate several frying operations in militar units; 3. implement the good practice of production on the stage of frying oils; 4. Legal conformity of the frying oils. Different foods and frying times were evaluated until the usual rejection point in that unit, based in visual inspection. Generally a good correlation was achieved between the quick tests and the official chemical methodologies. The quick tests evaluated were
simple to use, relatively inexpensive, “green”, and mostly able to stand up to the rigors of frying and handling by workers with reduced analytical knowledge. The samples collected clearly demonstrate that the oils are precociously rejected comparatively with the legislation limits, being therefore on no health concern. With the diffusion of these quick tests the oils will probably be used for longer periods, still within legislation, with advantages for both industry and environment.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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