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Climate in play
Entrada monumental da Gruta do Lago Azul, ricamente ornamentada por estalactites e estalagmites, situada no município de Bonito, a E da Serra da Bodoquena e a sudoeste do município de Miranda. A região serrana foi edificada em unidades carbonáticas dos grupos Cuiabá e Corumbá, de idade Neoproterozoica. Fotografia: Adriano Gambarini.
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Climate Change

How to Cite

ZEZZO, Larissa Vieira; OLIVEIRA, Jéssica Patrícia de; COLTRI, Priscila Pereira. Climate in play: a pedagogical tool for learning concepts in Geoscience, with emphasis in Climatology. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 16, p. e020003, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/td.v16i0.8656203. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


 Climatology concepts, among other Geoscience concepts, are in people’s daily lives, and themes regarding this theme have been routinely presented to high school students. However, many climatological concepts are abstract to most people, requiring a greater ability by the teacher to present these themes. Thus, in order to address climatological issues interactively, this research sought to develop a didactic material, based on a board game, to be used as a pedagogical tool to better promote the learning of climatology concepts. The game was developed using the Common National Curriculum Base, as well as the themes indicated by UNESCO for teaching Climate Change, and issues regarding Geosciences and Climatology in South America. It is hoped that with the application of this material, students will be able to discuss critically the main themes of Geosciences, Climatology, and Geography.
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