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To illustrate or to induce? that is the question...Fieldwork and its didactic roles
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Didactic roles
Mining technicians
General Geology

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ANDRADE, Wagner da Silva; CARNEIRO, Celso Dal Re. To illustrate or to induce? that is the question...Fieldwork and its didactic roles: esa es la cuestión...El trabajo de campo y sus roles didácticos. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 15, p. e019050, 2019. DOI: 10.20396/td.v15i0.8657610. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


Fieldwork (TC) are essential activities for the intellectual, professional and technical formation of Geoscience students. A didactic objective of CT is the exercise of typical geological reasoning in the development of observation and interpretation skills. The didactic roles of the TC performed by students of the technical course in mining integrated to the high school in the State of Espírito Santo were compared, comparing a TC with illustrative didactic paper, with another TC whose role is inductive. A questionnaire was designed to investigate whether: (1) are the intended objectives of the CTs achieved? (2) Do students understand the didactic roles? The results showed that most participants understood the objectives and, in both illustrative and inductive TCs, participants consider that the student-centered teaching method predominates. The answers about predominant logic in the process indicated a certain balance between the logic of the learner and logic of science and the learner.

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