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Alternative conceptions about Plate Tectonics
Entrada monumental da Gruta do Lago Azul, ricamente ornamentada por estalactites e estalagmites, situada no município de Bonito, a E da Serra da Bodoquena e a sudoeste do município de Miranda. A região serrana foi edificada em unidades carbonáticas dos grupos Cuiabá e Corumbá, de idade Neoproterozoica. Fotografia: Adriano Gambarini.
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Geosciences Teaching
Alternative conceptions

How to Cite

RIBEIRO, Yuri; SANTOS, Maristella Moreira; OLIVEIRA, Adilson Ribeiro de. Alternative conceptions about Plate Tectonics: a case study focusing high school technical education. Terræ Didatica, Campinas, SP, v. 16, p. e020022, 2020. DOI: 10.20396/td.v16i0.8659218. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article presents an assessment of conceptions held by students about plate tectonics at a technical course in mining. Using a questionnaire, questions were asked about terminology, motion of plates, plate-related subsurface melting and the occurrence of earthquakes. The aim of this approach was to allow participants to express misunderstandings, partial insight and other alternative conceptions, in order to support further learning. It was observed that the students exhibited some descriptive knowledge of plate tectonics, but conceptual explanatory knowledge, which relates the dynamics of plate motion with changes explained by the theory, was weak. It was found that there is a need to use evidences and dynamic connections between plate motion and observable processes to improve learning of the theory. Also highlighted was the importance of conducting a class focused on disproving students' alternative concepts about the theory of plate tectonics.
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