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Visual and critical literacy for Spanish as a foreign language and for specific purposes: advertisements reading as a social and political practice
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Visual and critical literacy
Teaching of Spanish as a foreign language

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MOREIRA, Hiran Nogueira; MOREIRA, Glauber Lima. Visual and critical literacy for Spanish as a foreign language and for specific purposes: advertisements reading as a social and political practice: advertisements reading as a social and political practice. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 59, n. 2, p. 1455–1480, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 jul. 2024.


After the arisen and development of multiliteracies and critical literacy, it was overcome the concept of reading exclusively as decoding, transcription and search of the author´s intentions, that is, it is understood that reading is a critical, social and political practice. Based on this assumption, this study aims at proposing a reading activity of advertisements in Spanish as a foreign language based on the critical literacy perspective of Cervetti et al (2001) and on the visual literacy of Muffoletto (2001) for undergraduates of Tourism, Business Administration, Journalism and Social Communication. Five beer and soda advertisements were analyzed, as well as a proposal activity for reading and writing advertisements. It was also explained how the imperative mood is formed in Spanish, that is, it was hold together a critical literacy approach to the teaching of contextualized grammar. This study shows that teaching a foreign language is to go beyond the decontextualized and purely normative grammar contents.

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