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Transmedia storytelling
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Transmedia storytelling
Literacies for language education

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TORRE ARANDA, Maria del Carmen de la; FREIRE, Maximina Maria. Transmedia storytelling: between multiliteracies and transmedia literacy, what to bring to language class?. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 59, n. 2, p. 1531–1554, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This article aims to present and discuss the concept of transmedia storytelling and to investigate, between multiliteracies and transmedia literacies, which approach is more appropriate to the production of transmedia storytelling. We begin by discussing the notion of transmedia storytelling, illustrating and situating it in the Convergence Culture. We then address the issue of literacies and of the transmedia for a Participatory Culture. Continuing our argumentation, we emphasize the pedagogy of pluralism, highlighting the perspective of multiliteracies and, particularly, the notions of design and agency. We end the article by taking a stand on the duality that then reveals itself: choosing one of the literacy views or, based on the perspective of pluralism, choosing both approaches, perceiving them as an extension, to answer the motivating questioning of this article.

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