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Teaching of/and literature
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English teaching-learning
Teacher education

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BRITO, Cristiane Carvalho de Paula; RIBEIRO, Ivan Marcos. Teaching of/and literature: assonances/dissonances in english teacher education. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 60, n. 3, p. 811–825, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


In this paper we aim to reflect upon the use of literature in English classes focused on teacher education. More specifically, we are interested in answering two main questions, namely: how to provide reading practices in the university which will make it possible for the future teacher to work with the text as a linguistic-discursive materiality, by means of which they will become both a reader and a (future) teacher? And in which ways can the work with the literary text contribute to such a process? In order to do so, we start from the deconstruction of the dichotomies between language/literature and between learn a language/learn to teach a language. Our discussion is limited to some considerations about the curriculum of an English Language Teacher Education Program, in a public university in Minas Gerais State, and also on an experience with literary texts, in a subject aimed at the development of reading in English. Our analyses point out to the fact that, despite changes, the literature curricular proposal still focuses on periodization narrowing the relationship with teaching. The pedagogical proposals of the literary text, in turn, point to possibilities of working a discursive aesthetics-ethics which may affect the constitution of the future teacher by promoting experiences of responsive-responsible meaning making in another language.

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