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Literature authored by black women as a human right
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Black female writers
Critical consciousness
Freedom-deprived women

How to Cite

SILVA, Leonardo da; FARIAS, Priscila Fabiane. Literature authored by black women as a human right: reflections about critical consciousness development in the context of an outreach project for freedom-deprived women. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 60, n. 1, p. 126–140, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.


This article aims at investigating the possible effects of an outreach project in the process of critical consciousness development (FREIRE, 2005), especially in relation to gender and race issues. More specifically, the study focuses on the reading activities designed by a multidisciplinary team for freedom-deprived women, which included the presentation and discussion of three books written by black women: Olhos D'Água (Conceição Evaristo), Quarto de Despejo (Carolina Maria de Jesus), and Heroínas Negras Brasileiras em 15 cordéis (Jarid Arraes). To do so, we investigate the reflexive diary of one of the students who is part of the multidisciplinary team as well as the questionnaires containing the perceptions of the project mediators – teachers, administrative technicians in education and undergraduate students – regarding their experience of reading the selected books and of participating in and mediating the proposed activities. The views of the project mediators highlight not only the role of literature in promoting reflection regarding gender, class and race, but also the importance of taking into consideration the subjectivities of those involved in the process so that critical dialogue may happen in a safe and welcoming environment. At last, perceptions point out the relevance of cultural and literary activities in the process of humanization – of both mediators and incarcerated women –, showing thus the importance of public policies that conceive art and culture as human rights in the context of freedom deprivation.

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