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Between the locus of enunciation and the locus of speech
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Locus of speech
Locus of enunciation

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NASCIMENTO, Gabriel. Between the locus of enunciation and the locus of speech: marking the unmarked and bringing our bodies back in language. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 60, n. 1, p. 58–68, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


Locus of enunciation and locus of speech seem to be similar concepts, but they result from different theoretical trends.It is the case of subaltern studies (SPIVAK, 1987), Critical Racial Theory (LADSON-BILLINGS and TATE, 1995), North American black feminism (DAVIS, 1983; CRENSHAW, 1989; HILL COLLINS, 1990), Chicano studies (ANZALDUA, 1987), decolonial studies (MIGNOLO, 2000), among others. In this work we will navigate between the meanings of locus of enunciation (MIGNOLO, 2000) and locus of speech (RIBEIRO, 2017) to understand how language builds racialization and naturalizes marked and unmarked personhood. In doing this, I will examine both concepts, locus of speech and locus of enunciation, on following their historical boundaries, like their similarities and differences, as well as a theoretical point of encounter they have in common. Finally, I will advocate for bringing our body back stolen by coloniality, and marking the unmarked, as a way of connecting the locus of speech to the locus of enunciation.

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