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Reexistence literary literacy practices in the Soiree workshop of Coletivoz Sarau de Periferia
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Literary literacies
Marginal literature from the periphery
Soiree workshop
Reexistence literacies

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TENNINA, Lucia; PINHEIRO, Marta Passos; SOUZA, Luiz Eduardo Rodrigues de Almeida. Reexistence literary literacy practices in the Soiree workshop of Coletivoz Sarau de Periferia. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 60, n. 3, p. 659–669, 2021. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper aims the characterization of the literary literacy practices performed on the first day of the soiree workshop lead by Coletivoz Sarau de Periferia, in June 2017, at the Urucuia Cultural Center. This Collective, founded by the poet Rogerio Coelho, was born in 2008, inspired by the Cooperifa Soiree of São Paulo, thus linking itself to the movement and scene of marginal literature of São Paulo´s periphery.  The workshop is part of the Project Coletivoz Soirees, directed to public school students, with the aim of encouraging literary reading and creative writing through the poetic performance that circulates at the perpheric soirées of contemporary marginal literature. Through participant observation and audio recording some actions, discussions and lines of the students and oficineiros were analyzed. The concepts of literacy practices (STREET, 2014), literary literacy (PAULINO e COSSON, 2009) and reexistence literacy (SOUZA, 2011) constitute the theorerical basis of the discussion. It was observed that the events and the workshop literacy practices are characterized by the interaction of the ritual formula of the soirees in the peripheries with the ones of the schools, incorporated in the participants and recreated in these meetings outside the bars and the educational institutions. In this interaction, it is created for the school a possibility to revisit its literacy pratices, broadening its repertoire, reviewing its methodology  and in addition it contributes to its literary literacy practices of reexistence.

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