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Reflecting on stylistics and the teaching of literature
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Applied Linguistics
Pedagogical stylistics

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ZYNGIER, Sonia; CARNEIRO, Raphael Marco Oliveira; NOVODVORSKI, Ariel. Reflecting on stylistics and the teaching of literature: An interview with Sonia Zyngier. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 62, n. 2, p. 388–399, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The objective of this interview is to promote the area of Stylistics in Brazil and to foster interest in studies aimed at the integration of linguistic, literary and pedagogical perspectives. In this direction, Sonia Zyngier shares her personal and academic journey into Stylistics and the teaching of literature. This journey has led her to establish international partnerships and to participate in scientific associations, among them, the Poetics and Linguistics Association. Until today, she researches, publishes and edits works that greatly contribute to the understanding of various issues concerning style in language and its multifunctional relations with innumerable human and social phenomena, including cognition, emotion, the teaching and learning of language and literature, gender, the environment, to name just a few. Thus, this interview foregrounds the role of Stylistics in several areas, which contributes significantly to Applied Linguistics.

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