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Teaching practicum in english language in pandemic times
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Teaching practicum
English Language and Literature Teaching Course
COVID-19 pandemic

How to Cite

SENEFONTE, Fábio Henrique Rosa. Teaching practicum in english language in pandemic times: Perceptions of language student-teachers. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 62, n. 2, p. 322–336, 2023. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


The COVID-19 pandemic triggered numerous changes and adaptations with respect to the new scenario that arouse. In this regard, in the educational context, one of the main responses to the pandemic was the implementation of Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) which, despite ensuring the continuity of academic activities, brought some challenges to the individuals involved (VELOSO; WALESKO; 2020; BIAZOLLI, GREGOLIN; STASSI-SÉ, 2021). From such scenario, this case study sought to investigate the perceptions of six student-teachers about the teaching practicum in English language at a state university, in addition to identifying positive and/or negative impacts of the pandemic in the context of investigation. Results indicate that the teaching practicum is characterized by gains, difficulties and expectations. Additionally, the analysis signals a need for (re)arrangements as of administrative, curricular and human factors. Bearing this in mind, the research can contribute to the expansion of the literature, as well as promote reflections on the teaching practicum, as an important process in language teacher education.

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