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The Pragmatics of Chaos: Parsing Bolsonaro’s Undemocratic Language
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SILVA, Daniel Nascimento e. The Pragmatics of Chaos: Parsing Bolsonaro’s Undemocratic Language. Trabalhos em Linguística Aplicada, Campinas, SP, v. 59, n. 1, p. 507–537, 2020. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


This paper unpacks different layers of Jair Bolsonaro’s pragmatics of chaos – the name I give to a reflexive, ordered and laminated method of producing a permanent sentiment of agitation, murk, and discontent in political audiences while a conservative and free market agenda is radicalized in Brazil. The communicative layers are: history, exemplified by Bolsonaro’s early career in the military: from his union-like activity, to his imprisonment and to evidences of a terrorist plot; persona, indexed by the jocular, non-serious performances that made him famous as a federal representative and that have been mediatized in his executive action as president; text and talk, characterized by a general texture of incendiary framing, smoke screens, backtracking, and avoidance of debate; audiences, seen from the perspective of the digital, pedagogic and performative populism that accrued from his campaign, almost entirely designed for being engendered on the non-public space of WhatsApp groups and in public, algorithmic social media platforms.


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