This study aims to discuss and understand the process of (re)significance of teachers’ professional knowledge based on discussions and reflections carried out by a group of teachers who teach mathematics for the initial years of the elementary education. The teachers studied how to calculate the area of plane figures using squared arrays. This study is based on Zeichner’s and Serrazina’s research to discuss the reflection on the practice and, in Ball, Thames, and Phelps, to analyse the (re) significance of the knowledge of the professionals involved. The data analysed were collected during the group meetings at the school where the participants taught. Through the analyses of the discussions held, we could observe that the teachers expanded their common and specialised content knowledge, mainly in relation to the strategies to calculate area, and started using reconfiguration of the figures and formulas of area more assertively. Mutual support allowed them to identify their own needs and then modify their analyses of the strategies for area calculation to be adopted.
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