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Mathematics and mathematical education
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Mathematical education
Cultural studies

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DAL-FARRA, Rossano André. Mathematics and mathematical education: epistemological approaches, culture and contemporary discourses . Zetetike, Campinas, SP, v. 18, p. 505–544, 2011. DOI: 10.20396/zet.v18i0.8646660. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 jul. 2024.


With the increasing concern with cultural and social issues involved in the construction of scientific thought, which started in the second half of the 20th century, some researchers began to think over their own actions, in a process that also raised questionings in the field of education related to the pedagogical conceptions that direct educational practices. In this process, the representations of science, of the researcher, of the teacher and of the pupil began to be mediated by different discourses which produced forged contemporary identities, both due to the historical process of consolidation of mathematics as a discipline and to the new social configurations of contemporaneity. In this scenario, this study is focused on the contributions of some presuppositions of cultural studies related to discourse and language, as well as their contributions to the current scientific production amidst a profusion of representations observed in academic production and modern media.
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