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Characterisation and implementation of statistics tasks
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Statistics teaching
Teachers training
Statistical task
Case study

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FERNANDES, José António; CARVALHO, Carolina Fernandes de; RIBEIRO, Sónia Alexandra Lopes. Characterisation and implementation of statistics tasks: an example with 7th grade students. Zetetike, Campinas, SP, v. 15, n. 2, p. 27–62, 2007. DOI: 10.20396/zet.v15i28.8647025. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jul. 2024.


Although it did not always follow a clearly defined path, statistics
has progressively been included in the school programs in Portugal and
currently taught in all teaching levels. In this context, in which this theme’s
importance has been growing, we considered relevant to investigate the kind of
teaching that is implemented in the classroom, in particular in the 7th grade.
Three third cycle and secondary maths teachers, who were teaching the 7th
grade, participated in the study. Data collected through the observation of
classes, a diary and two semi-structured interviews to the teachers. In this
study, we will discuss the tasks proposed by the teachers, in particular their
contextualization and origins, their objectives, the difficulties faced by the
students in their handling and classroom implementation aspects. In this
regards, in terms of results, we highlight the use of tasks with varied contexts,
originated in the teachers, and in the textbooks, privileging a factual and
procedural knowledge, mostly closed, which found to be more difficult by the
students. In the task implementation, the students worked mostly individually,
the traditional teaching methodology prevailed and was privileged the
expositive communication, centred in the teacher and emphasising knowledge
and memorization.
PDF (Português (Brasil))


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