Este artigo apresenta o projeto da PUCCampinas proposto à Capes, através do seu programa de integração entre pósgraduação e graduação o desenvolvimento de uma videoteca digital. O projeto nasceu inspirado nas videotecas que começam a aparecer no Brasil como as relatadas no projeto original. Além disso, enfoca discursos na literatura, extraídos de artigos técnicocientíficos do projeto Informedia, relatado por professores que estão construindo videotecas para suas disciplinas nos Estados Unidos.
CHRISTEL, M. et al. Evolving vídeo skims into useful mul-timedia abstractions. In: CHI'98 CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEM, 1998, Los Angels. Proceedings..., Los Angeles : [s.n.], 1998. p 171-178.
CHRISTEL, M., HAUPTMANN, A., WARMACK, A., CROSBY, S. Adjustable filmstrips and skims as abstractions for a digital video library. In: IEEE ADVANCES IN DIGITAL LIBRARIES CONFERENCE, 1999, Baltimore. Proceedings... Baltimore, : [s.n.], 1999. p.19-21.
CHRISTEL, M., PENDYALA, K., Informedia goes to school : early findings from the digital video library project. D-Lib Magazine, Sept. 1996.
CHRISTEL, M., WINKLER, D., TAYLOR, R., Improving access to a digital video library. In: HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION, INTERACT 97 THE IFIP CONFERENCE, 1997, Sydney. Proceedings... Sydney : [s.n.], 1997.
CHRISTEL, M. Multimedia abstrac-tions for a digital video library. In: ACM DIGITAL IBRARIES'97 CONFERENCE, 1997, Philadelphia. Proceedings... Philadelphia : [s.n.], 1997.
DING, Wei. A study on vídeo browsing strategies. [online]. 1997. Disponível na URL:
FAGUNDES, M.L.F. Videoteca multimeios: em direção a um banco de dados. Campinas,1999. 81p. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Instituto de Artes, UNICAMP.
LIENHART, R. et al. Video abstracting. Comum. ACM. v.40, n.12, p.54-62, Dec. 1997.
HAUPTMANN, A., WITBROCK, M. Story segmentation and detection of commercials in broadcast News video. In: ADL-98 ADVANCES IN DIGITAL LIBRARIES CONFERENCE, 1998, Santa Barbara, CA. Proceedings... Santa Barbara, CA : [s.n.], 1998. p.l22-24.
HOUGHTON, R. Named faces : putting names to faces. IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine, v.14, n.5, p.45-50, Sept./Oct. 1999.
KOBLA, V. et al. Compressed domain video segmentation. In: KOMLODI, A,. SLAUGHER, L. Visual vídeo browsing interfaces using key frames. Los Angeles, CA : [s.n.], Abril 1996. p.337-338. (Technical Report CAR-TR-839 CS-TR-3688 - University of Maryland. (Summary).
KOMLODI, A, MARCHIONINI, G. Key frame preview techniques for video browsing. [online]. 1998. Disponível na URL:
O ́CONNOR, B.C. Access to moving image documents : background concepts and proposals for surrogates for films. Journal of Documentation, v.41, n.4, p.209-220, 1985.
O'CONNOR, B.C. Moving image-based serial publications. Serials Review, summer & fall, p.19-24, 1986a.
O'CONNOR, B.C. Representation and the utility of moving image documents. Proceedings of 49th American Society of Information Science, v.23, p.237-243, 1986b
ROWLEY, H., BALUJA, S., KANADE, T. Human face detection in visual scenes. [s.l.] : Carnegie Mellon University, 1995. (Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-95-158).
TEODOSIO, L., BENDER, W. Salient video stills : content and contexto preserved. ACM Multimidea, n.6, p.39-46, 1993.
WACTLAR, H. D. New directions in video information extraction and summarization. In: DELOS Workshop, 10., 1999, Santorini. Proceedings... Santorini : [s.n], 1999. p24-25.
WITBROCK, M., HAUPTMANN, A. Improving acoustic modes by watching television. [s.l.] : Carnegie Mellon University, 1998. (Technical Report CMU CS CMU-CS-98-110).
WITBROCK, M. Speech recognition for a digital video library. Journal of the American Society for Information Science, v.49, n.7, 1998a.
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