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Popular education in settlement of moviment of the landless rural worked: inclusion, time and voice of popular segments
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Popular education. Inclusion. Settlement. Time and voice. Popular segments.

How to Cite

ROSA, Geraldo Antonio da. Popular education in settlement of moviment of the landless rural worked: inclusion, time and voice of popular segments. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 15, n. 1, p. 127–144, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v15i1.1298. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



This study aims to analyze the Popular Education, highlighting its importance in the social, political and economic reality of our society, and also, seek to establish relations regarding its importance for providing tools for excluded people to express themselves. The theme of this reflection is very relevant in face of the Latin American countries situation, where conquests, most often, happened and happen through struggles of the popular classes organized in social movements. Reflections will also be made starting from a survey made on "1º of May Settlement", in Curitibanos city (SC, Brazil). In this place live people from several towns, from the rural environment of Curitibanos and region. To achieve this aim, it was outlined the following specific objectives: to characterize conceptually popular education; historicize the process of formation of "1º of May Settlement" of Curitibanos; describe the project of Popular Education, establishing relationships with the process of effective community participation of the reported Settlement. This work also proposes to demystify the reality of the settlements, bringing the educational experience developed in the Settlement to reflections. As for the objectives, the research is classified as exploratory. Regarding the procedures for data collection, it is characterizes as a field literature review, and case study. As tools and techniques for collecting data it was used interviews and field diary. It is expected, with this study, to map the theoretical and methodological referentials of popular education developed by the Landless Workers Movement of Brazil.
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