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Change language for mathematics and its language web implications for interpretation of mathematical problems
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Mathematical education. Communication. Technology. Web Language.

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KALINKE, Marco Aurelio; ALMOULOUD, Saddo Ag. Change language for mathematics and its language web implications for interpretation of mathematical problems. ETD - Educação Temática Digital, Campinas, SP, v. 15, n. 1, p. 201–219, 2013. DOI: 10.20396/etd.v15i1.1302. Disponível em: Acesso em: 7 jul. 2024.



The core goal of this research is to verify how the application of the "web language" used in Virtual Learning Environments (VLE), over the mathematical symbolic language, can interfere in the interpretation of mathematical problems formulated with the use of the web language. For answering this question, a qualitative research mixed with quantitative aspects that can contribute for understanding the phenomena’s involved was held. The analysis of the data researched permitted to conclude that the web language, conjugated to the media on it is inserted, can bring problems of interpretation and comprehension about the statements of the problems. It is realized that the difficulties are more evident when the computer media is used, rather than the paper media. The subjects manage to interpret in a correct way the statements proposed in the web language, and they also manage to use the computer to solve problems that utilize mathematical symbology, as long as they have access to the necessary resources. The junction of the computer media and the web language presented difficulties to the participating subjects in the research. For remedying or minimizing these problems, it is suggested that should occur an improvement in the communication between the user and the text presented to him. To comply with this suggestion, the texts used in VLE must be elaborated so that they are suitable to the form of reading practiced on the web. The use of these resources in the writing of the text, if it doesn’t guarantee the elimination of the problems observed, can open a new perspective of the analysis for these problems.
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